3825 Avalon Blvd, Milton, FL
Our mission statament is:
"To increase the wealth of every client"
Very few new clients accepted, too old and grumpy
If we do - read about our pricing here
I never bother to answer pricing inquiries from non-clients I never met
Tax Return Pricing: You may not need me.
(Includes link to free and low cost tax services)
HOURS: Mon, Tue, Thurs, & Fri, 9:00 - 5:00 / Sat 9:00-Noon. Closed Wednesday (usually)
(Just click the image to launch to the section)
Tax Articles for fun and profit...
Real Estate - Stuff maybe you never thought of...
Investment info your financial planner very likely doesn't know...
Frequently Asked Questions Here:
How does a "Real Estate Exchange" work?
Why short-term trading is a bad policy in a taxable account, and why brokers do it anyway..."
Can I do my taxes remotely? - YES - just call or email
Our incoming president has stated that he wants to eliminate the Income Tax - I am all in - but I have a suggestion - In addition to the proposed tariffs, I recommend the Fair Tax be implemented.
read all about it at:
I wrote it a few years ago, the tax references are a bit dated, but still very relevant.
External Links:My new book "Enlightened Regressivism" is now available on line for free. If you are interested, click the image below...NOTE: This was formerly a Youtube link, but I was told it was not working and so had been banned - likey because it is conservative funny, it is in no way vulgar, just funny - now it is a Facebook link (I don't use facebook) but better get your laughs now because FB is bound to ban it too...